7-Day Workshop to help you jumpstart weight loss…finally!

"I've tried absolutely everything 
to lose weight…

but nothing works!"

Sound familiar? If you feel like you've tried every single diet and meal plan out there, but still can't lose a single pound, THIS is for you!


You've tried it ALL, but now you 

keep telling yourself…

⏺  I'll never be able to lose weight

⏺  I should probably just eat less food

⏺  I “should” be able to do this on my own, but I've tried everything and nothing works!

⏺ I've gathered so much information, and I still don't know what will help me lose weight

⏺  Sticking to an anti inflammatory meal plan is difficult and I won't be able to do it.

⏺  I'm about to give up all together

Simply Scrumptious helps you lose weight (even with hypothyroidism!)

kick start weight loss

Discover why it's tough to lose weight, and how an anti-inflammatory 
diet can help.

Enjoy stress free eating

Feed yourself the food you need. Give your family the food they love. Without spending extra time in the kitchen.

have more energy

Imagine feeling energetic every day when you wake up, and still having plenty of energy at 3 pm (without a venti latte?!)

I see you.

You've tried everything, and you're about to give up.

Don't give up yet! I know what the problem is, and I have your solution!

You want to lose weight with an anti inflammatory diet, but your family still eats all the gluten, sugar, and dairy. How are you supposed to cook family meals?

Maybe you've downloaded a bunch of meal plans already, but they're too involved, and the ingredients are too weird. You need a meal plan that was designed BY a working, traveling, busy mom…because that's you, too!

To be able to lose weight with an anti inflammatory diet, you need a plan that is fast, easy, and one that your family will like, too!

This approach is meant for YOU.

Designed for moms

This program was developed while I was working full time, traveling every six weeks, as a mom of two amazing kiddos. I lost 55 lbs with hypothyroidism, and THIS is the jumpstart YOU need.

SPend less time cooking

Imagine cooking for 3 nights, but having dinner on the table all week long! Let me show you how to cook less, and for weight loss, so you have more time to enjoy your family and your life!

Keep it simple for success

Simple recipes for breakfast and lunch. Then, use my signature method for dinner: Component Cooking will have you excited about family meal time again, while you lose weight!

This approach gives YOU what you need, and gives your family what they want.

I've been where you are.

50+ lbs overweight, 
anxious, depressed, 
with hypothyroidism 
completely unmanaged

I was mad and fed up. I refused to feel heavy, exhausted, and sad anymore.  I dug deep, and committed to working on my health and fitness no matter what. There were a lot of tears. And thankfully, there was also a lot of growth.

I built an approach that fit into my life as a single mom, traveling and working full time, who needed anti inflammatory nutrition for REAL moms. 

And it worked! I knew I had to bring this approach to other women who were struggling, too.


I built what I needed then, 
so you can have it now.

“Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement along the way. This program is definitely something I can stick with to reach my health and weight loss goals.”


— Sarah M.

What's included in the

Simply Scrumptious 7-Day Workshop

15+ recipes that are easy to make, use ingredients you can find at the store, and will be loved by you AND your family

Full anti inflammatory food lists so you know exactly what you should eat during this 7-day workshop

My signature Component Cooking method that has you cooking for 3 nights of the week, with dinner on the table for 7 nights!

Printable workbook to use in your kitchen, and that walks you through the entire 7-day program

Bonus success formula helps you tap into your mindset, which is truly the ticket to your weight loss success

Support, bonus recipes, and more from me throughout the entire program

Simply Scrumptious 7-Day Workshop

Time to eat the food. Lose the weight. With a plan that works.
